I think it's about time I got back on here. It's been pretty busy, with Nathan's birth & trying to finish his blanket & hat. I also got the waves of colors afghan kit from Mary Maxim
http://www.marymaxim.com/Default.asp. I will get a picture of my progress soon.
Dh got his 4 wheeler & trailer for it, & now he wants to put a fountain in my flower bed for me for mothers day, maybe a small pond too. I will have to redo my whole flower bed since the neighborhood cats have used it for a litter box & ruined it. Jay also put a pile of dirt in the corner & covered up my cala lillies so i need to go dig them out.
The weather has been really nice here this week in the mid to upper 70's, yesterday was pretty windy though. I can't wait til the end of the school year, 24 more school days left! No more getting up at 5:30 & no more babysitting. I have decided not to do it next yr., I wish I didn't do it this yr. because I don't feel like I have spent as much time with Jessie as I did with Jillian & Jaimie when they started kindergarten. I don't get the extra time to work with her as much & there's always homeowrk for Jill & Jaimie too. I am also mentaly exhausted by the time they go home, he hits, & has bit Jessie & kicks atTanner & she has definite sharing issues. she wants to play with the girls stuff & has gone so far as to beg them to
give stuff to her but does not want to share hers. Yesterday her mom brought over a bag of toys for her & she told the girls they could look in the bag at them but not to touch. Her mom did tell her no to that. and before she would say her toys are special. We finally gave her a dose of her own medicine & would say that to everything she touched, she got the message. I hated to do that because the girls have never had a problem with sharing with her or anyone but I just couldn't sit back while she treated them bad.
I need to get my housecleaning done & I have the hiccups so I am off!
btw, a great cure for hiccups is to drink a glass of water threw a paper towel, works for me every time!